Thursday, June 21, 2012

Confession #25: Just a typical day....

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"fishing" with Liana (she dressed herself)
So you know when you finally get your kids to bed and all you want to do is pass out on the couch and not move for the next two hours? Well, this isn't that story. My mom told me, whenever I said I was bored, that boredom is a choice and I needed to find something to do. So, I spent a lot of time playing outside, building forts, riding bikes and climbing trees. I didn't really ever rest. I guess I took that lifestyle with me to adulthood. My idea of rest is cleaning, cooking, or sewing. You will hardly ever find me sitting on the couch vegging out to the "boob-tube." So I guess that's how I get so much stuff done in a day. Here is a look into a typical productive day in my little house.

June 21, 2012

645 Wake up, finish knitting a orange cat puppet for Liana
740 Liana wakes up, family breakfast (oatmeal with strawberries)
800 Read about a hundred books with Liana
Finished the cat this morning
830 Go outside and "fish" with Liana
900 Walk to the pool to teach swim lessons
1120 Arrive back home, make lunch (bean, cheese, and rice burritos)
1140 Play dress up with Liana, dance session, music time
1320 Liana's down for a nap
1321 Fix three dress straps

Felt Puzzles for busy bag exchange
1340 Clean the house, make more all purpose cleaner
1440 Finish sewing my busy bag exchange items
1520 Liana wakes up, fix her a snack (homemade yogurt)
1530 Read 100 more books
1550 Make a batch of homemade crackers (Liana "helps")
1620 Make a batch of homemade pasta (Liana eats almost half of it)
1700 put the crackers and pasta in the dehydrator

1710 Start dinner (chicken sausage, homemade pasta, and home canned curry apple chutney)
1800 Family dinner time
1830 Family dance session
1840 Start Lianas bedtime routine (brush teeth, read more books, pray, etc)
1900 Kiss Liana goodnight
1901 Start load of laundry
1910 Make homemade pie with home canned green tomato filling

1940 Eat mini pie a la mode
Homemade "Ritz" crackers
1950 Take pasta out of dehydrator and cool
1955 Put Laundry in the dryer
2000 Make infused grapeseed oil (lemon, pepper, and herb)
2025 Do the dishes
2040 Put laundry away
2100 Shower
2110 Get ready for bed
2140 Blog :)
Homemade pasta with home canned sauce
2200 In bed, lights off.

I just want to say that I don't drink coffee, and I talked on the phone (while cleaning and cooking) for about an hour today.
Well, I have to go it I want to make that 2200 bedtime! Sleep tight.

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